Coastal defences
Types of projects:
- Rock Armour
- Timber Groynes
- Revetment
- Seawalls and other R.C. Structures
- Quay Walls, Slipways
- Retaining Walls, Gabions
- Sheet Piling, Capping Beams
- Beach Nourishment and Recycling
- Cliff Stabilization
- Flood Preventions and Alleviation
- Emergency Works
- Water Control Structures
- Scour Protection
- Port and Harbour Related Works
- Lake and River Repairs
- Canal Restoration
- Culverts
- Water Meadow Restoration
- Sluices, Weirs, Hatches, Reed Beds

With substantial investment in our people, plant and specialist equipment and many years experience...
We are in a strong position to respond at short notice and offer a valuable contribution as main contractor, or in a supporting role, for a wide range of projects, including the more challenging schemes.
We are well accustomed to working on environmentally-sensitive sites, where access is restricted and where tidal operations are required.